Intruder In My Home

“Mom, there’s a bird in the house!”

You see, evenings in our home are very busy. I get home from work late, and then there is suppertime, tending to an infant, sports, homework, sometimes church, housework, lunch making, and finally, bedtime. On this particular evening, my Mr. was at the church office working and my three sons and I were carrying on at home.  I don’t remember what I was cooking for supper, but I was cooking while my older boys were working on their homework (site words or something), and the newest boy was nestled at my chest in a baby wrap.

When I heard my eldest make that statement, my mind went someplace much wiser than my natural state and I immediately assessed the situation: it is dusk, the boys have had the door open and shut a dozen (or hundred times) this afternoon, and the door is never shut completely. Birds don’t fly at night…but bats do.

There was a BAT in my house.

I calmly and quietly told the boys that it was not a bird, and to go to the baby’s room and shut the door. They panicked and screamed and slammed the nursery door, while I grabbed a…well anything to apprehend the intruder.

Let me stop there. Intrusions happen. Hopefully not always in a literal sense in our homes, but unfortunately, they do happen in a figurative sense on a spiritual level.  Resentment.  Anger.  Depression.  Illness.  Hardships.  Sin. They are all gross flying rodents of our spiritual lives. They swoop in and invoke chaos.

So I grabbed a broom (seemed legit) and swatted the bat (while baby slept in his papoose at my chest). The bat collapsed to the floor. Feeling triumphant, I told the boys to come out. As they do, the bat begins to fly again. It swooped at me. (It really did). It swooped at my boys. (At least that’s how I remember it). So I swatted again and my boys (with girl-like screams) took refuge behind the closed bathroom door and my infant begins to cry.

You see, when intrusions happen in our lives we all make a decision of how we will react.  We run and hide in terror (like my brave, superhero sons). We sit helplessly (like my new, fresh smelling baby boy).  We fight back (like I did with my broom).

Psalms 18:32 reminds us that “It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of deer, and sets me on high places. He teaches my hands to make war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze … I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them; neither did I turn back again till they were destroyed, I have wounded them, so that they were not able to rise; they have fallen under my feet. For You have armed me with strength for the battle; you have subdued under me those who rose up against me.”

I want to encourage you that God has promised us strength and that those things that rise up against will fall under our feet in His power. Stand up against the intruders of your spiritual life and find joy in Him.

That evening we finally defeated (um, killed and exposed of) the bat in our house. I’m constantly reminded of that bat in my day to day life. I am reminded that I do not have to sit idly by nor do I have to run and hide, but I can raise my weapons and defend myself against the intrusions of my heart.

Tiffany Heth

Tiffany is the mother to three amazing boys, all God's miracle to their family, and she cherishes every moment given her to be with them.  John, Tiffany's husband, and their family make their home in Iowa, where they minister to a congregation of fellow believers.  Tiffany is not only a breast-feeding, cloth-diapering mother and a pastor's wife, but she takes great joy in nourishing her family with the wild game that they have been fortunate enough to harvest.  "How great is the Father's love for us that we shall be called children of God, for that is what we are!" 1 John 3:1

Tiffany is the mother to three amazing boys, all God’s miracle to their family, and she cherishes every moment given her to be with them. John, Tiffany’s husband, and their family make their home in Iowa, where they minister to a congregation of fellow believers. Tiffany is not only a breast-feeding, cloth-diapering mother and a pastor’s wife, but she takes great joy in nourishing her family with the wild game that they have been fortunate enough to harvest. “How great is the Father’s love for us that we shall be called children of God, for that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1

My Hope Comes From

Key Verse:  Psalm 62: 5-8 says, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.  My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.  Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”

This could be one of the hardest articles I will write because it hits home for so many families around the world.  My heart is led to speak out about the struggles of dealing with PTSD and how I have learned to find my hope in the midst of a never ending battle.

The downs seem to come more than the ups.  Blurred lines of the man I married with the man he has become.  Unsure thoughts of what the right words are to comfort him and me.  The worst part of living so close to someone suffering from PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is the loss of hope.  Hope for what we once had as a married couple.  Hope that we will have what we once called “normal”Hope that there is recovery and no more medications needed for normal every day functions.

How do we move past the pain and confusion of life circumstances and into the precious revelations of God’s promises?

Through the years of heartache in dealing with the daily effects that PTSD has on my husband and our family, I have come to the realization that I need to be reminded of where my hope is found.  My life has not played out as I expected. And what I started out with fourteen years ago has drastically changed.  My husband has been through and seen things that no man should ever have to see and as a result his body has developed a way to cope with thoughts and sounds.  This affects absolutely everything.

With David being diagnosed with PTSD, his VA doctors have decided that it is in his best interest to take certain medications to help regulate all the imbalance caused from war within his body.  There is a night and day difference in my husband when he is on these medications versus off them.  In the past few years I have figured out what to look for and how to speak the right way in different situations, but I am still a work in progress and not a professional in this field.  I just live it every day.

So, where does my hope come from when my husband is having a hard day with his PTSD?  What do I read?  How do I calm myself down when I feel attacked?  Where is my haven?  How do I get back on track?

First, you must know that I do not count myself as a victim of this circumstance.  Living with PTSD is harder for my husband than it ever will be for me to live with him.  God has allowed this to enter our life and we are learning to trust in Him with each and every day of this.  Second, our lives are eternally in His hands and we will never forget that.  God can heal this and God will heal this in His timing or we will learn to adapt until He comes.

My hope comes from the LordHe is all I need and when I have a hard day, I cry out to Him and He answers in so many different ways.  I read Scripture to remind me of where my hope is and that I am not alone.  Scriptures such as, Psalm 34: 18 that say, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”  Psalm 39:7, “But now, Lord, what do I look for?  My hope is in you.”  Verses that include Psalm 42:5, Psalm 62: 5-8, Psalm 71:5 and Psalm 119:114 I will also write out and place where I can see those most.

If you or someone you love struggles with PTSD there is hope and others who know exactly what you are dealing with.  I want to encourage you to talk to someone if you are not already, as a way to get out what heartache is there.  I would love to talk with you and encourage you through this time.  PTSD comes from more than just war and each person struggles in their own way.  Be the support that your loved one needs during this time.

Lord, You and You alone know the struggle and loss that each of us are going through with PTSD.  Remind us that You are our HOPE.  We can cry out to You and You will answer.  When we need comfort, You are there.  Lord, place in our path someone whom we can confide and talk to about this disorder so that we can find our peace in You. Thank You for this trial and all we will learn from this. In Your name, amen.

Tara DeMaris

Tara, graduate of Crown College, is the mother to four beautiful children.  Together, Tara and her husband, David, and their family make their home in Northwest Missouri.  Tara is passionate about reaching the hearts of women and young ladies.  She loves to write and teach God's Word.  God put a desire in Tara's heart over six years ago to start a ministry that reached women.  Today Tara has founded Titus II Woman Ministries and God is showing her miracles and his hand at work every day.

Tara, graduate of Crown College, is the mother to four beautiful children. Together, Tara and her husband, David, and their family make their home in Northwest Missouri. Tara is passionate about reaching the hearts of women and young ladies. She loves to write and teach God’s Word. God put a desire in Tara’s heart over six years ago to start a ministry that reached women. Today Tara has founded Titus II Woman Ministries and God is showing her miracles and his hand at work every day.

His Grace is Enough

Key Verse:  2 Corinthians 12:9 “But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” (NIV)

My oldest is a very compassionate and caring young man.  He has always worn his feelings on his sleeve.  However, he is also my dramatic child.  He exaggerates his pain so much you would think that he is dying.  So, when he came in and said his back hurt “extremely bad”, after being bumped by our 4 month old calf, I didn’t think too much of it.  The next day he went to school where he played kickball, ran and jumped around. He then came home and wrestled with his younger brother. Before bed, he said it hurt badly.  I gave him some Tylenol and told him to go to bed.  This went on for about a week, when he came to me and said that it hurt to go to the bathroom I decided to take him in thinking that there may be more to this.  On Friday we went in and the doctor took x-rays. Everything looked fine; it was most likely just a deep bruise.  The next week the doctor called saying that the radiologist found a hairline fracture on his coccyx bone. He broke his tail bone! I felt horrible! I felt this was a major failure on my part as a mom.  I had so many negative thoughts about myself running through my head. My son had his first broken bone and needed me to be compassionate, I failed. There was nothing that we could really do except let it heal. Nothing would have been different if I took him in sooner. I am not perfect, I know this, and I have made plenty of mistakes. So, why do I, as a woman, and as a mom feel so guilty or awful when I make mistakes? (I know I’m not the only woman or mom that feels this way.)

This is our encouragement: “But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me” 2 Corinthians 12:9.  I am so grateful for a God that forgives me.  His Grace is sufficient for me. If He can forgive me, I can forgive myself and learn from my mistakes instead of feeling guilty over them.  Feeling guilty is one of my many weaknesses. Through these weaknesses His power is made perfect. Wow! To think that by me admitting my weaknesses and areas where I struggle I can affirm God’s strength.

Father God, I thank You that I have weaknesses, and that Your power can shine through to me and others.  Please continue to show me my weaknesses so I can continue to depend on You for strength and power. Nothing is too big for You.

Shannon Smith

Shannon is the mother to three wonderful children and wife to Scott for almost sixteen years.  Together their family makes their home in northern Minnesota on a 40 acre farm.  They love all things outdoors including hunting and fishing and taking care of their chickens and cow.  Shannon’s passion lies in teaching her students, writing and reading.  One day, it is her dream to write a children’s book.  Shannon’s heart is to love the Lord and be used of Him.  Shannon has her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Bemidji State University.

Shannon is the mother to three wonderful children and wife to Scott for almost sixteen years. Together their family makes their home in northern Minnesota on a 40 acre farm. They love all things outdoors including hunting and fishing and taking care of their chickens and cow. Shannon’s passion lies in teaching her students, writing and reading. One day, it is her dream to write a children’s book. Shannon’s heart is to love the Lord and be used of Him. Shannon has her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Bemidji State University.

Child of the King

Key Verse: Galatians 4:6, “Now because you are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts to cry out, “Abba! Father!”

On Tuesday evenings I get the wonderful honor of bringing my sweet 9 year old girl to her cheerleading practices. She absolutely loves going and I absolutely love watching every stomp of her feet, clap of her hands and moving completely opposite of the other girls. THAT right there shows how much she is just like her mother, lol. We move to our own rhythm and beat.
On one particular night I stood there watching her and every so often she would stop to turn around to just look at me. She didn’t wave or anything but she kept wanting to make eye contact and would get this huge beautiful grin on her face when our eyes met. It was in this moment I had a little talk with Jesus.

I whispered, “Thank You, Jesus, for my sweet girl.” I wasn’t expecting anything really to happen. I was just feeling so blessed and thankful. I was truly caught up in this moment with her, but then I heard His wonderful voice answer back. It was as though we were standing face to face when He spoke directly to my heart and said so sweetly, “She loves you.” Instantly tears filled my eyes and I didn’t care if anyone thought I was the crazy mom crying.  I was so at peace. I had a very rough day at work so every time my daughter looked at me it chiseled all my frustrations away bit by bit. God knew I needed this moment.

You see, my girl, I know she loves me and I love her. There’s never been that doubt, but I will never forget the way she looked at me this night. As I was talking with Jesus, He said something so simple yet it was so powerful. The words showed me how He wants our love, our attention. He said, “I look at my children the way you look at yours. I love them.  I’m proud of them.  I rejoice with them in their accomplishments and I cry when they are hurting.” But it was the last sentence He spoke that truly touched me.  He said, “My prayer is that each of them looks at me the way she looks back at you.” When He said that I put my hand to my heart and let out a deep sigh and I said,” I’m so sorry ” I know I don’t go to Him always and I know it must break His heart when we put Him on the back burner in certain areas of our life.

We are all His children and He loves us beyond comprehension. I knew He was saying in that moment He wants us to love Him, to lean on Him, to go to Him for anything and everything, to depend on His guidance as we walk this earth and help us with all that we endure. And like my daughter lovingly looked at me, He wants us to keep our eyes on Him, our Heavenly Father.

When we turned on the car to leave practice that night a song had just started and my daughter and I turned up the music real loud and with the windows down we sang away. As I was driving down a long stretch of road I looked over at my girl who had her head resting back in her seat with her eyes closed and arms in the air praising Jesus. I knew at that moment her eyes were on Him and I prayed they always will be.

Ladies, I can’t express how much He loves you. But you know what? He will do whatever it takes to grasp our attention. He speaks on His love for us over and over in the Bible, He shows us daily in little and big ways.  He even reminded me right there when I least expected it at cheerleading practice that evening. And I knew He wanted me to tell you how much YOU are loved by the King of kings!! You are a child of God.

Heavenly Father, may we let it seep into our hearts Your undying love that You have for each of us. Sometimes we make our relationship with You so hard when in all honesty it’s as easy as the way a parent loves their own child. Help us to keep our eyes and our hearts focused on You. And Lord if we turn away for a moment help us to turn back to You. Lord, I pray for each of the wonderful ladies reading this that they feel Your presence. Love on them and let them know You are there with them through it all. It is an honor to be a child of the King! Thank You, Lord, for everything!  In Your precious and wonderful name. Amen

Please follow the link below for a little extra encouragement and peace for your day:

Dina Kiser

Dina loves her family with all her heart.  So much so that she documents every waking moment through taking pictures.  Along with this picture taking is a pumpkin spice latte addiction that fuels her clicking finger.  She is the mother of two beautiful children and the helpmate to her husband, Pat, who serves in the United States Army.  Dina and her family currently make their home in Fayetteville, North Carolina, but she grew up in the big sky of Billings, Montana.  Dina loves Jesus with everything she has and knows there is nothing He can not do. Philippians 4:13, "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." (NIV)

Dina loves her family with all her heart. So much so that she documents every waking moment through taking pictures. Along with this picture taking is a pumpkin spice latte addiction that fuels her clicking finger. She is the mother of two beautiful children and the helpmate to her husband, Pat, who serves in the United States Army. Dina and her family currently make their home in Fayetteville, North Carolina, but she grew up in the big sky of Billings, Montana. Dina loves Jesus with everything she has and knows there is nothing He can not do. Philippians 4:13, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” (NIV)

Battlefield of the Mind

Key Verse:   “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8 (KJV)

Lately I have found myself and my family constantly engaged in what I’ve deemed a “Battlefield of the Mind.” It seems we are constantly bombarded with the thoughts of not being good enough, not being skinny enough, not working hard enough, no one likes me, I don’t have any friends and on and on it goes. So it got me thinking. Why? Why is this such a struggle in our minds, then it hit me. If Satan can get our thought life, he’s got us.

You see, in Philippians 4:8 it tells us specifically what to think on. Why? Because that’s what is good for us. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians to take captive EVERY thought and make it obedient to Christ. So, if our minds are constantly distracted by the negativity around us and the feelings of not being enough then we aren’t focusing on being obedient to Christ. That’s where Satan wants us.

When we can’t reach our spouse and our minds go off on a rabbit trail that ends with destruction instead of praying and trusting God; Satan won again. When we or our children are sick and we have diagnosed ourselves or them with everything fatal, after hours of scouring the internet, instead of praying and trusting the Lord. Satan won again.

I believe in being vigilant, but I have found success in this formula: if it doesn’t fall into the categories listed in Philippians, I don’t think about it. So when I can’t reach my spouse, is it true that whatever happened leads to destruction, not at this point, so I trust God and think on something that is true. Is it true that I am dying of some fatal disease after searching the internet and I am fully convinced of it, not yet anyway, so why worry about it? Satan steals our peace by having us imagine the stupidest things.

Can I encourage you to think on things that are true and not let Satan steal your peace?  There are times it seems impossible, but I know one thing. God is bigger.

Lord, I pray that You would help us to think on the things listed in Your Word, the Bible. Help us to plant this verse deep in our souls and if our thoughts don’t meet the criteria, I pray we, like Paul, would take captive that thought and think on something that is true, honest, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praise worthy. We want to have the minds of Christ, O God. Thank you Jesus, Amen.

Maybe you need work in this area, like I do. Make it a point today to memorize this Scripture.  Print it off and hang it up so you know what thoughts to think about. Help your kids to see that these are the thoughts to think about and pray that God would help you win the Battlefield of Your Mind.

Amanda is a homeschooling mother of two great children and wife to Nathan.  While Amanda grew up in Jordan, Montana, their family makes their home in Bismarck, North Dakota.  Amanda's passion for leading others in worship shines through along with her love for Jesus, her family and laughter.  Their family loves to support Compassion International in whatever way possible. Amanda holds associates degrees in both music performance and office administration from Trinity Bible College.  "your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do but something you raise." ~Andy Stanley

Amanda is a homeschooling mother of two great children and wife to Nathan. While Amanda grew up in Jordan, Montana, their family makes their home in Bismarck, North Dakota. Amanda’s passion for leading others in worship shines through along with her love for Jesus, her family and laughter. Their family loves to support Compassion International in whatever way possible. Amanda holds associates degrees in both music performance and office administration from Trinity Bible College. “Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do but something you raise.” ~Andy Stanley

Insane In the Membrane

Key Verse: Numbers 6:26 “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

You feel it now.  It is going to be one of those weeks.  The ones where the laundry may somewhat get completed and probably not folded or put away because the kids and husband will need to wear what you wash immediately; those weeks that the dishes seem taller than the house because you are too busy running kids to practice and games and then you have church and ministry to also plug in.  Those weeks that the floors do not get vacuumed at least every other day in an effort to keep the dog hair and dust bunnies from a complete takeover of your home.

You just got it, huh?  It’s okay.  I would like to deny that I have those weeks of feeling like a complete failure as a mom and keeper of our home.  I often wonder what it would be like to have a maid on staff at our home, but then I realize I am that maid and it just isn’t going to get done if I don’t do it myself.

Here is the great news.  Who cares?  I know you may care if your house isn’t cleaned to your liking on a daily basis, but the reality of the situation is that you are not going to be frowned upon, disliked or even die if your house and chores are not done when you would like them to be done.  You are doing far more important things.  What important things, you may ask. Well, feeding into the lives of your family through time that you will never get back again, giving complete attention to the conversation your husband is needing to have with you, preparing your heart for a Jesus encounter in the midst of your chaotic week, just to name a few.

There can be peace in the chaos.  Where do you find that peace and how do you keep it when you feel like you could lose your sanity at any moment? It is found in praying God’s Word into your life.  In Numbers 6:26 we find a prayer that Moses was instructed to tell Aaron how he was to bless the Israelites, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”  You can take this prayer and make it personal between you and God.

Lord, I pray that You will bless me and keep me in Your will.  I pray that You will shine on me and show me grace.  Turn Your face toward me and give me peace this day and this week as I walk what seems like crazy! Amen.

There is always going to be something that we run into that will change our day or plans.  Embrace it! It just may be a divine Jesus encounter that could be the best blessing you have ever had!

Tara DeMaris

Tara, graduate of Crown College, is the mother to four beautiful children.  Together, Tara and her husband, David, and their family make their home in Northwest Missouri.  Tara is passionate about reaching the hearts of women and young ladies.  She loves to write and teach God's Word.  God put a desire in Tara's heart over six years ago to start a ministry that reached women.  Today Tara has founded Titus II Woman Ministries and God is showing her miracles and his hand at work every day.

Tara, graduate of Crown College, is the mother to four beautiful children. Together, Tara and her husband, David, and their family make their home in Northwest Missouri. Tara is passionate about reaching the hearts of women and young ladies. She loves to write and teach God’s Word. God put a desire in Tara’s heart over six years ago to start a ministry that reached women. Today Tara has founded Titus II Woman Ministries and God is showing her miracles and his hand at work every day.

Yes! Jesus Gets It

Key Verse: Deuteronomy 31:8 , “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

I love babies. I love holding them, I love rocking them, I love feeding them, I love playing with them, I love watching them, I love teaching them, and I love praying over them. It doesn’t matter how old they are or if they are someone else’s babies either. The four babies God gave to my husband and I are nearly 16, 14, 12, and 10 now. Alongside them, I have babies of all ages around the world that I love and pray over. My husband is a lot like me when it comes to babies. He loves babies. He loves holding them, he loves rocking them, he loves…well, you know where I’m going with that. He prays with me over them, and he cries with me when their situations call up tears. When it comes to babies, I feel like my husband gets it. There are daily moments, however, when even my loving husband doesn’t get what I’m going through. This can really frustrate me, and I want to feel sorry for myself and take it out on my poor husband sometimes.

Not too long ago, I was praying over this while I was reading through the book of Matthew. I’ll admit I was trying to rush in some quiet time with the Holy Spirit, and I got to the fourteenth chapter of Matthew before I said to myself, “Whoa, girl! Back up. That part was really talking.” That’s where He showed me that it doesn’t matter whether or not my wonderful husband gets it every time. The important thing to remember is that the One true, even more wonderful, God gets it – every time.

In verses such as Deuteronomy 31:8, God tells us He goes before us and will be with us. When we stop and listen, He reassures us that He will never leave us or forsake us. He tells us not to be afraid and not to be discouraged, and we can do this because He is faithful and He does get it. Not only does He tell us that He gets it, but He gives us examples in his life on earth that shows He gets what we are going through even more than we do. We can be confident and encouraged when we go to him for understanding, we can go to him for rest and peace – even when we are having one of our moments.

We all have moments. God gave us grace and mercy when He had his moments. How often do we end up melting down instead? Maybe we’ve been home alone with the kids too much. Maybe our husband has been working late nights, out of town, or out of the country for weeks, maybe months. Have you been in the middle of making breakfast, putting a bandage on a scraped knee, and breaking up an argument when you got a phone call that someone you love just died? Maybe you just want to be alone for a little bit or you’ve been putting off using the bathroom since the baby woke you at four o’clock this morning. When there is smoke coming from the pot left cooking on the stove, when you find blackened porridge instead of tasty oatmeal, when you look for an alternate meal only to remember why you were making oatmeal instead of cold cereal, do you confidently whip up a “mystery meal” or do you throw in the towel? It’s true that even in these moments, the great I AM gets it. Just ask Him.

Lord Jesus, You do get it, and for this I am grateful. You are not some distant god or lifeless idol. You are the living, breathing, almighty I AM! Forgive me for my lack of faith during times of trial, and strengthen me with your peace and patience that I may be a light to those around me; especially when I am in the middle of a trying moment. Thank You for being the Creator, Author, Savior, Protector, Lover, and Friend of my soul. Amen.

Read Matthew 14:12-23, how does this compare with a challenging moment in your day? What does Jesus’ actions tell you about who He is? Write down in your journal what is going on, and don’t hold back, He gets it, and He wants to hear from you.

Lorinda Freeman

Lorinda has a passion and desire to teach children about the love of God.  She is a homeschooling mom of four and together as a family they work within their church with the children’s programs making sure the hearts of all the children are being taught God’s love for them.  Lorinda and her husband, Chris, make their home in Hibbing, Minnesota after Lorinda had endured extensive travel growing up as a Navy “brat”. 1 Thessalonians 2:6-13, “We are not looking for praise from men, not from you or anyone else.  As apostles of Christ we could have been a burden to you, but we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children.  We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.  Surely you remember, brothers, our toil and hardship; we worked night and day in order not to be a burden to anyone while we preached the gospel of God to you.  You are witnesses, and so is God, of how holy, righteous and blameless we were among you who believed.  For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.

Lorinda has a passion and desire to teach children about the love of God. She is a homeschooling mom of four and together as a family they work within their church with the children’s programs making sure the hearts of all the children are being taught God’s love for them. Lorinda and her husband, Chris, make their home in Hibbing, Minnesota after Lorinda had endured extensive travel growing up as a Navy “brat”. 1 Thessalonians 2:6-13, “We are not looking for praise from men, not from you or anyone else. As apostles of Christ we could have been a burden to you, but we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children. We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us. Surely you remember, brothers, our toil and hardship; we worked night and day in order not to be a burden to anyone while we preached the gospel of God to you. You are witnesses, and so is God, of how holy, righteous and blameless we were among you who believed. For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.

The Suitcase

Key Verse: Psalm 55:22, “Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you.”

I came dragging our full suitcase from the car into the house. I could barely lift this thing up the steps to even get it in. My husband was frustrated with me at this point wondering why I even attempted this. He was trying to grab the handle to take it away and kept saying would you let me take this in? But by this point it was personal and there was no stopping me. I had to finish this, lol. And boy was it was on! Hey, I did my TaeBo VHS tapes. I knew everything Billy Blanks taught me was going to help me in this situation. I pulled with all my might up the stairs and inside. Once I got the suitcase inside and on the wood floor I pushed it down the hall and into our bedroom and threw it up on the bed (which was not a pretty sight I’m sure) to unpack it. My husband came in soon after and I had to do my best Vanna White pointing to the suitcase and say,“ta-da, I did it!“ And he replies with,“great job but how many pieces of the wood floor did you take up with it when dragging it in.” I replied with a sarcastic “ha-ha.” He thought he was just so funny:)
Bit by bit I now took on the daunting task of unpacking. Not my favorite thing to do but it was fun reminiscing about our trip and looking at the fun knick knacks and treasures we bought along the way.  When I was finally through I zipped up the suitcase and when I went to pick it up it was so easy and light. I tossed it right into the closet back in its space waiting until its next adventure.

If you think on it our lives resemble a lot like a suitcase. We hold so many dear memories and treasures on our heart that mean so much to us. And with the good is the bad. We weigh ourselves down with a lot of baggage inside us from the everyday pressures of life. As women we put so much on us to make everyone around us happy and to complete all these tasks along the way, and after a while we feel we can no longer go on from it all. There are days after work or just a rough day in general when I feel I am walking in my home dragging and can barely make it inside….a lot like my weighted down suitcase.
It’s in those moments I have my wakeup call and think to myself what am I doing Dina? I need to give all this to God!

Are you feeling weighed down lately? Do you feel you can’t keep going any longer?  Please know God is there and He wants to help take all your “baggage.” You don’t have to carry it alone. Sometimes we get set in our ways and we don’t want help. Kind of like me when I wouldn’t let my husband help me bring in the suitcase.

One of my all-time favorite verses is, Psalm 55:22, “Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you.”

In that verse I feel His love for us and how He truly wants to help us… be there for us. 
Everything that is weighing you down He wants. Take all your burdens to the cross. Whatever you are holding onto I know He would gladly take and I can guarantee you it will lighten the load on you.

Heavenly Father,
I pray for all the wonderful ladies, Lord, who are feeling weighed down. Many burdens and heavy hearts, Lord. And, Father, I pray You help lift their needs and bring them peace and comfort.  We love You, Lord, and we thank You for always being there for us and seeing us through. In Your precious and wonderful name.

Be encouraged, ladies, and remember He is with you always!!!! How awesome is He!!!

Dina Kyser

Dina loves her family with all her heart.  So much so that she documents every waking moment through taking pictures.  Along with this picture taking is a pumpkin spice latte addiction that fuels her clicking finger.  She is the mother of two beautiful children and the helpmate to her husband, Pat, who serves in the United States Army.  Dina and her family currently make their home in Fayetteville, North Carolina, but she grew up in the big sky of Billings, Montana.  Dina loves Jesus with everything she has and knows there is nothing He can not do. Philippians 4:13, "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." (NIV)

Dina loves her family with all her heart. So much so that she documents every waking moment through taking pictures. Along with this picture taking is a pumpkin spice latte addiction that fuels her clicking finger. She is the mother of two beautiful children and the helpmate to her husband, Pat, who serves in the United States Army. Dina and her family currently make their home in Fayetteville, North Carolina, but she grew up in the big sky of Billings, Montana. Dina loves Jesus with everything she has and knows there is nothing He can not do. Philippians 4:13, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” (NIV)

I Need to Feel Him

Key Verse: “I will never leave you or forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

It’s 3:30 in the morning and my two and a half year old son is crying. Again. “Mommy! Mommy!” he whimpers desperately in his sleepy little voice. I sigh deeply, awakened for what seems like the millionth time in one night, and stumble out of bed. In his room, I gently tuck him back into bed, whispering, “Shhhh, it’s all right. Mommy’s here. Mommy’s not leaving you. Go back to sleep.” After what seems like forever, his chest softly rises and falls, the sound of his deep breathing assuring me that he has returned to a peaceful sleep.

It hasn’t always been this way. In fact, he has never in his almost three years of life, had any problem sleeping through the night. He has always been a great self-soother, falling asleep most nights listening to his crib mobile. Up until a couple of months ago, for that reason I was the mom most moms were jealous of, and I loved telling my friends how blessed I was to have such an easy child.

But in an instant that has all changed and I’m at a loss as to why. Is he scared of the dark? Is he weary of sleeping alone in his big boy bed? Is it just a stage that will quickly pass? Oh, I’m hoping so. But either way, in the midst of enduring the crying fits when bedtime rolls around, sitting in his room waiting for him to fall asleep, or waking in the wee hours of the morning to sit with him, almost falling asleep myself exhausted from a long day of toddler tantrums and struggles, I have felt the still small voice of God whispering to my heart, “He just wants to know you’re there, just as you desire to know I am there for you.” You see, all my son wants is my presence. He doesn’t need me to bring him toys and stuffed animals, hold his hand through the night, or enfold him in an everlasting hug. He just wants to know that I am with him; that I’m not leaving him alone. That is enough for him. Of course I would never leave him, and I am there. Even when it feels like I’m not, I’m just a walk down the hall. I would NEVER leave him alone. How could he ever think that, or be so insecure in my love, my care for him?

Pondering these thoughts, I realized in my relationship with God, I often feel the same way. Alone in the dark, frightened by the unknown, uncertain of the future. Crying, screaming in the silence, broken, and feeling so, so alone and abandoned; even though I know I’m not; even though I know He’s there. Sadly I realize that often I am insecure in His love and care for me, and sometimes, like my son, I just need that reassurance. That comfort of feeling His sweet presence, the knowledge that He is by my side, right there beside me even in the dark. Through the storms of life, and probably even more so during those times, I NEED to feel Him there. And every time I need Him, He is so faithful to reach out and prove to me His love and show me that He has never, ever forsaken me. Even though He’s been there all the time, He understands that sometimes His children just need to feel Him near.

I’m reminded of what the psalmist David said in Psalm 16:11, “You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” It’s the ideal perfect place, the place of contentment and joy and all good things. In God’s presence, right by His side, safe and secure and loved. No matter what happens, Jesus is with you and He wants you to know that He is enough! He truly is all you need, and wherever you are, you are NOT alone. No matter how dark your world looks or how alone you may feel, comfort yourself with Jesus’ reassuring words, “I will NEVER leave you or forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). Let yourself long for and be fulfilled by His sweet, loving presence. It’s alright to be vulnerable, to be needy, to desire a touch from the Savior, because that’s why He came. And He is near, oh, so near to each one of us.

Father God, I come to you in Jesus’ name. I thank You that you sent Jesus to take my place, to redeem me from sin, and to die the death I should have died. I thank You that when He died, He tore the veil that separated me from Your presence, and now I can live in close and fulfilling fellowship with You each and every day. Help me to know that You are near, to take time to hear Your voice, and to experience your nearness. I thank You that You never leave me or forsake me, and that no matter how I feel or what I see, I can rest secure in Your never-ending love, and in knowing that You are always with me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Sharilyn Edgerle

Sharilyn is the mother to an adorable little man, Isaac, and met her husband, Enoch, through eHarmony in.  She grew up and graduated high school in Montana.  Together they make their home in Michigan. Sharilyn’s passion rests in sharing the love of Jesus with others through evangelism, music and writing.  She has recently been asked to lead worship for a local church and started writing for the Titus II Woman blog team.  Sharilyn is a graduate of Trinity Bible College with an Associates of Arts degree in Music Performance.  Jeremiah 29:11-14, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.  Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.  And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.  I will be found by you, says the Lord.”

Sharilyn is the mother to an adorable little man, Isaac, and met her husband, Enoch, through eHarmony in. She grew up and graduated high school in Montana. Together they make their home in Michigan. Sharilyn’s passion rests in sharing the love of Jesus with others through evangelism, music and writing. She has recently been asked to lead worship for a local church and started writing for the Titus II Woman blog team. Sharilyn is a graduate of Trinity Bible College with an Associates of Arts degree in Music Performance. Jeremiah 29:11-14, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord.”