Lessons from the Students

As a teacher I spend a lot of time preparing lessons that teach the objective at hand and keep the students attention. I am blessed that I get to do this at a Christian School. I love bringing God’s word into math, reading, and science and teach Bible lessons.  Much of the time as I am teaching God has a lesson for me.

Last year was tough.  My husband, Scott’s, peripheral neuropathy got exponentially worse.  He cannot feel anything in his feet.  His hands are not much better.  Our lives changed dramatically, as he went from the major bread winner to stay at home dad.  With all the changes our family went through, God was there.  When I thought that I couldn’t go on, or make it through the day, God would show me He was there. He was strong during this weak time in my life.  He was my strength that got me through. I believe I learned more from God through my students than I taught them.

As I tried to decide if I would stay teaching or try and find another job that paid more money, I sought God’s guidance.  I would go to school every day and put on that show for my students; teaching them the word of God, but with each lesson I was learning more from Him.

I shared with my students my husband’s illness and how God was providing for my family. Everything from friends giving us food to our dog bringing us money (not only once but twice.)  All the while praying that God would show me the path I was to take. Just when I thought I should find a job with more money and medical insurance, He would guide my path back to staying where I was at.

Some examples of this are: one of my students came and told me she was fasting from candy for a week while praying for Scott’s healing. Another student came and said he would bring me all of his money if I needed it. Parents came and started to ask what disease my husband had because their child would pray for Scott at night during their prayer time.

I realized that my family was much bigger than I thought. God used my students to show His love for me and my family.

The moment that I knew the path to take came during a chapel lesson.  I was teaching about the Armor of God; the Sword of the Spirit to be exact. I was teaching the students that God’s Word was alive and powerful. God’s Word is different than what the world tells us and it cuts through falsehoods.  In this particular lesson we talked about how the world tells us that having possessions and MONEY are the most important things; that they will make us happy.  God’s Word says “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need” (Matt 6:33, NLT). I had prepared this lesson, but it wasn’t until I said these words out loud to the students that they cut through me like the very sword I was speaking of. It was at that moment that I knew taking the path that may lead to having more money and more things wouldn’t solve our problems.  I had to stay on the path that I was on and keep teaching.

God is providing everything that we need.  We are still adjusting and, yes, we still have problems, but we have laughter in our house; laughter and joy.  We are seeking God and his kingdom. It’s not always easy, but when I start to feel lost or hopeless, it never fails, I learn a lesson from the lesson I thought was for my students.

The Bible verse God showed me for my class this year is, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”, found in Colossians 3:23 (NIV).  I am not working for money or for anyone but the Lord.  God has placed me here at Victory Christian Academy for another year.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that we can continue to seek your guidance in all that we do.  I pray for anyone reading this that is sitting at the crossroads, wondering which way to turn that you show them where you want them to go.  Bless those that are seeking to find you.  I thank you that you provide all that we need.  Help us weed out what we don’t need and get rid of things that keep us from You.  Amen.

Shannon Smith

Shannon is the mother to three wonderful children and wife to Scott for almost sixteen years.  Together their family makes their home in northern Minnesota on a 40 acre farm.  They love all things outdoors including hunting and fishing and taking care of their chickens and cow.  Shannon’s passion lies in teaching her students, writing and reading.  One day, it is her dream to write a children’s book.  Shannon’s heart is to love the Lord and be used of Him.  Shannon has her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Bemidji State University.

Shannon is the mother to three wonderful children and wife to Scott for almost sixteen years. Together their family makes their home in northern Minnesota on a 40 acre farm. They love all things outdoors including hunting and fishing and taking care of their chickens and cow. Shannon’s passion lies in teaching her students, writing and reading. One day, it is her dream to write a children’s book. Shannon’s heart is to love the Lord and be used of Him. Shannon has her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Bemidji State University.

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