My Number

So, here it is…on May 28th of this year I turn thirty-five. Yep! It’s kind of like a milestone. Honestly I didn’t ever think of what it would be like when this day came. You think about when you turn forty and where you will be or what you will be doing, but thirty-five doesn’t really get too much thought.

What will I be doing this day? Well, I actually have to work. I will be with the residents that I am privileged to care for and love and I will be with co-workers that I have made into great friendships as well. I am sure that my kids and husband have something in mind for the morning before work, but I never expect anything. Why? Because I don’t try to make any day about me.

blessed my number

I am sure this is kind of confusing for some of you. I view my life as a blessing. I was blessed to be born to my mother and father and God has given me some very specific responsibilities throughout my life. No day is just about me. I share this day with blessings that God has sent my way. It’s usually always a holiday weekend and I get to remember all the men and women who went before me as they served our country. It is the time of year that summer is beginning for so many and I get to share that joy with my children as they get to wind down and have more relaxed time (but we still have a schedule). I get to share this very week with my grandmother in celebrating her birthday. She just so happens to be exactly 50 years older than me. I could never forget her birthday if I tried!

This day brings me joy. I am never sad that I turn another year older (except for that one year). I have so many things to be grateful for that I have no reason to be sad or upset. My life is blessed. I am loved and cherished by so many. I get to wake up to a beautiful day and spend time doing things that I adore to do…on the farm and otherwise (I’ll be sharing a day on the farm with you soon).

Ladies, life is short. Life is precious. I have had thirty-five amazing years filled with wonder, happiness, sadness, hope, fear, praise, prayer, and so much more. I am excited to see where God will lead me in this year of thirty-five. I am thrilled to share this year with you as I journal thoughts, prayers, praises, fears, hopes, and dreams with you. I am also ready and waiting to hear how God is working in your lives.

So, today I want to share a verse with you that has forever changed my life. It’s John 1:4 and says this, “In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.” This has spoken to me because I want to be a light to all mankind (okay, so womankind mostly). I want my life to mean something and that can only be if I am the kind of person that is real, honest, humble and kind. I want to have the kind of light in me that Christ had in him and that is my lifelong goal.

When your birthday comes around again, don’t get upset that you have added another number to your life, but view your life from another’s eyes. You have so much to be happy about and for. You are a blessed woman and God has still got great plans for you no matter what number you are. May 28th says that I am now the number 35! I am more than okay with that and excited to share this year’s number with you and those around me. It’s going to be an amazing number!

Lord, my age is what you have blessed me with. I get to share it with so many and I am blessed. Help me to be a brighter light to all this year and remind me of the blessings you have given when I start to frown about this life. I love this life you have given me. Thank you for giving me life to live with others. Amen.

Tara DeMaris

Tara is the founder and president of Titus II Woman Ministries and the wife to David, her high school sweetheart, as well as the mother to their four children. They all make their home in Southeast Idaho. She graduated from Crown College. Tara is passionate about reaching the hearts of women and young ladies. She loves to write and teach God's Word. "Make history with God and He will make history through you."

Tara is the founder and president of Titus II Woman Ministries and the wife to David, her high school sweetheart, as well as the mother to their four children. They all make their home in Southeast Idaho. She graduated from Crown College. Tara is passionate about reaching the hearts of women and young ladies. She loves to write and teach God’s Word. “Make history with God and He will make history through you.”

One thought on “My Number

  1. Glennette Aliene Christian says:

    Yes, I remember this day so well, I sent my husband off to his job at Cox Medical Center and started to prepare for work. I had been told to cut back to 1/2 days just the day before. But I started having contractions and had to call Mike back from work. We welcomed the most beautiful baby girl – as I held her in my arms for the first time I did what I had done for her older brother, I prayed for the little boy either already in the world or soon to be that would be her life partner. I prayed he would love and serve our wonderful Savior. I asked a special blessing on this little bundle of joy. Tara Nichole’ you have always been a joy to your father and myself. We love you more than words can express and I am so proud of the woman of God you have become. Be blessed!


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